Computer Science

Computer Science vs. Information Systems and Information Technology [Which Master’s Degree Is Better?]

Computer Science vs. Information Systems and Information Technology [Which Master’s Degree Is Better?]
There's more overlap between computer science and information technology than most people realize, even though the fields are fundamentally different. Image from Unsplash
Christa Terry profile
Christa Terry January 12, 2021

To advance in the business side of tech, you'll probably need a graduate degree. A Master of Science in Computer Science can help you realize your ambitions, but so can a Master of Information Systems and a Master of Information Technology. This guide can help you choose between them.

Computer Science and I.T. Degree Programs You Should Consider

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Technology creates more jobs than it automates out of existence—hundreds of thousands of well-paying new positions each year. Launching a career in tech is clearly a smart move, but one that requires some thought. That’s because there are so many vastly different disciplines in this sector.

Computer science and information systems are just two of the five major computing disciplines, but they encompass hundreds of career pathways between them. Some are very technical, others less so. Some are research-based, others practical. All involve working with computers.

If you have an affinity for tech and an aptitude for mathematics and programming, picking one of these disciplines over the other might not be easy. The first step involves choosing between a master’s in computer science and a master’s in information systems, which can be similarly challenging. Some guides will tell you that computer science is a theoretical discipline, while information systems focuses on business IT. However, this ignores that most computer science grads don’t work in research and that plenty of information systems specialists spend their days coding or building hardware.

As you assess degree programs, don’t assume that getting a master’s degree in computer science is a road to riches and prestige, while an information systems management degree will lead to a career behind a help desk. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We put together this guide to showcase how much these disciplines have in common and help you figure out which degree supports your goals. In it, we look at computer science vs. information systems and cover:

  • Is a master’s in computer science worth it?
  • Computer science vs. information systems: what’s the difference?
  • Computer science vs. information technology: what’s the difference?
  • Master’s in computer science vs. master’s in information systems: which is for you?
  • Master’s in computer science vs. master’s in information technology: which is for you?

Is a master’s in computer science worth it?

There are plenty of good reasons to get a computer science master’s. The demand for qualified comp sci professionals is high, as are computer science salaries. The MSCS will give you a bigger post-graduation salary boost than most other graduate technology degrees. According to Forbes, this is one of the top paycheck-boosting master’s degrees. An MSCS will also give you a competitive edge when you’re competing against job seekers with similar experience. And there are some areas of computer science that are hard to break into without a graduate degree.

The typical master’s in computer science curriculum

There’s no such thing as a typical master’s in computer science curriculum, though most students take classes in subjects like:

  • Advanced Data Structures: Study of complex data structures like graphs, trees, and hash tables, and their applications in solving computational problems.
  • Algorithm Design and Analysis: Techniques for creating efficient algorithms, analyzing their performance, and understanding their computational complexity.
  • Computational Theory: Exploration of the mathematical foundations of computation, including automata theory, formal languages, and complexity theory.
  • Computer Architecture and Computer Networks: Study of the design and organization of computer hardware, and the principles and protocols of data communication networks.
  • Computer Engineering: Focus on the design and development of computer hardware and software systems, integrating principles of electrical engineering and computer science.
  • Data Compiling and Network Protocols: Examination of methods for data compilation and the rules that govern data exchange across networks.
  • Data Warehousing and Storage: Techniques for designing and managing large-scale data storage systems and data warehouses for efficient retrieval and analysis.
  • Database Systems Design: Principles of database architecture, modeling, and implementation, focusing on relational databases and SQL.
  • Information Science and Information Systems: Study of how information is collected, classified, stored, and disseminated, and the systems used to manage information resources.
  • Operating System Analysis and Design: Examination of the components and functions of operating systems, including process management, memory management, and file systems.
  • Network Architecture: Design and organization of computer networks, including the layout of network components and their interconnections.
  • Network Security: Strategies and technologies for protecting networked systems from unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches.
  • Software Engineering: Principles and practices for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications.
  • Software Theory: Theoretical foundations of software development, including formal methods, software models, and verification techniques.

The reason many schools don’t have a core MSCS curriculum is that concentrations frequently dictate the courses students take (more on this below). At Southern Methodist University, for example, students pursuing an MSCS in artificial intelligence take core classes related to that concentration.

There are also MSCS programs in which students design custom curricula. The University of Tulsa‘s MSCS program’s broad requirements allow students to dive deeper into their areas of interest. Students complete 30 credit hours of coursework made up of graduate-level computer science courses selected with a program advisor’s help.

What are the chances of getting a job in computer science?

The answer depends on what you want to do with your degree. While some computer science careers will grow faster than the national average across tech jobs, projections vary considerably by title and sector. Jobs for software developers are being created more quickly than jobs in other computer science areas, but hardware engineering jobs are lagging at present. And while cyber security and data science are both hot areas of computer science now, job creation in both may be slowed by innovations in automation.

What kind of jobs do you get with a computer science degree?

MSCS graduates work in fields like:

  • Artificial intelligence: Designing and developing systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.
  • Cloud services: Managing and developing services that store, manage, and process data over the internet, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security of cloud-based solutions.
  • Computer and information science: Researching and advancing the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and applying these theories to solve practical problems in various domains.
  • Cyber security: Protecting systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks, developing strategies to prevent breaches, and ensuring compliance with security regulations.
  • Data science: Analyzing and interpreting complex data to help organizations make informed decisions, using techniques from statistics, machine learning, and data mining.
  • Database administration: Managing and maintaining database systems, ensuring their performance, integrity, and security, and handling data backup and recovery.
  • Engineering management: Overseeing engineering projects and teams, integrating technical knowledge with management skills to plan, develop, and execute projects efficiently.
  • Information systems management: Managing the technology infrastructure of an organization, including hardware, software, networks, and data, to ensure efficient and effective operations.
  • Machine learning: Creating and optimizing algorithms that allow computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.
  • Network architecture: Designing and implementing the layout of an organization’s computer networks, ensuring efficient data communication and robust network security.
  • Security engineering: Developing and implementing security measures to protect systems and data from cyber threats, including encryption, firewalls, and secure software development practices.
  • Systems administration: Managing and maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and operating systems, to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

They also earn good money. Early career computer science jobs for developers, analysts, and architects may not pay $100,000+ but most entry-level jobs in computer science pay more than the national average across occupations. The median annual salary for MSCS graduates is $101,000, and senior-level roles pay more. The highest-paying computer science jobs include:


MSCS specializations are usually highly technical. Common concentration options include:

  • Artificial Intelligence: Study of algorithms and systems that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.
  • Bio-computation: Application of computational techniques to biological and biomedical problems, including modeling biological systems and analyzing biological data.
  • Cognitive computing: Development of systems that simulate human thought processes, enabling them to understand, learn, and interact naturally with humans.
  • Computational biology: Use of computational methods to analyze and model biological data, helping to understand biological systems and relationships.
  • Cyber security: Techniques and practices to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage.
  • Distributed systems: Study of systems that run on multiple computers and coordinate to achieve a common goal, focusing on scalability, reliability, and performance.
  • Game development: Design and creation of interactive games, including graphics, gameplay mechanics, and user experience.
  • Graphics and visualization: Techniques for generating, manipulating, and visualizing images and animations, often used in simulations, games, and data analysis.
  • Human-computer interaction: Study of how people interact with computers and design of user-friendly interfaces that enhance the user experience.
  • Machine learning: Development of algorithms that allow computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.
  • Natural language processing: Techniques for enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating human-computer communication.
  • Networked systems: Design and analysis of communication networks, focusing on protocols, network architecture, and performance optimization.
  • Operating systems: Study of system software that manages hardware resources and provides services for computer programs, including process management and file systems.
  • Robotics: Design, construction, and programming of robots, focusing on enabling robots to perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously.
  • Software design and engineering: Principles and practices for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining high-quality software systems.

How long does it take to get a master’s in computer science?

How long it takes to earn an MSCS may depend on the type of program you choose. The most technologically advanced computer science master’s programs typically take two years of full-time, intensive study to complete. Students in these programs designed for experienced tech professionals also have to meet thesis, capstone course, co-op project, or practicum requirements to graduate. Students who work while enrolled in part-time MSCS programs can take up to five years to graduate while accelerated computer science master’s programs last just 18 months. One-year computer science master’s programs are relatively rare, but some online MSCS programs (including online computer science master’s for non-CS majors enable motivated students willing to take heavy course loads to graduate in 15 months.

Which schools have the top master’s in computer science programs?

These colleges and universities are home to some of the best graduate computer science programs:

  • California Institute of Technology
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Cornell University
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Main Campus)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Princeton University
  • Stanford University
  • University of California – Berkeley
  • University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • University of Washington – Seattle Campus

How much does it cost to get a master’s in computer science?

The average computer science master’s degree costs about $40,000, but you don’t have to spend that much to get an MSCS. While the most prestigious computer science master’s programs typically cost upward of $60,000, there are some budget-friendly programs that cost just $10,000 from start to finish. The MSCS programs at HBCUs tend to be very affordable, if not quite that affordable.

What are the chances of getting a job in computer science?

The answer depends on what you want to do with your degree. While some computer science careers will grow faster than the national average across tech jobs, projections vary considerably by title and sector. Jobs for software developers are being created more quickly than jobs in other computer science areas, but hardware engineering jobs are lagging at present. And while cyber security and data science are both hot areas of computer science now, job creation in both may be slowed by innovations in automation.

The MSCS is the more versatile degree because computer science programs often include information systems in the curriculum while information systems and IT programs seldom teach advanced engineering.



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Computer science vs. information systems: what’s the difference?

Computer science and information systems are closely related tech disciplines; the dividing line between them is anything but clear. Some resources sum up the difference by asserting that computer science is concerned with the development of new technology, while information systems is concerned with the application of that technology. Others say computer science encompasses everything having to do with computational thinking, software, hardware, and algorithms, while information systems encompases only the business applications of those things (which is why the MBA in Information Systems exists). Still others treat information systems as a branch of computer science primarily focused on the software and hardware used to collect, store, process, and analyze data.

What we can state with certainty is that Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) programs are usually more technical, while Master of Information Systems (MIS) programs more equally split time to technology and its business applications. There are also programs, however, in which MIS students learn to optimize existing computer technology and to create new tech, as well as MSCS programs for non-CS grads that teach basic programming, network administration, and information technology strategy.


MSCS programs and MIS programs each involve programming, tend to be structured around concentrations, and prepare students for technology careers. Courses in both may touch on topics like software engineering, database creation, and network security, but students in information systems master’s programs are more likely to study technical topics in the context of business.

What do you learn in MIS programs?

Master’s in information systems programs (which sometimes confer degrees like the Master of Science in Information Management or the MS in Computer Information Systems) are also largely concentration-based, making it difficult to nail down the average MIS curriculum. Topics covered across programs include:

  • Data analytics: Techniques for analyzing and interpreting large datasets to extract meaningful insights, patterns, and trends, often using statistical and machine learning tools.
  • Database creation: Principles and methods for designing and building databases to store, organize, and retrieve data efficiently.
  • Database management: Practices and tools for administering and maintaining databases, ensuring their performance, security, and availability.
  • Information law and policy: Study of legal and regulatory issues related to information use, privacy, data protection, and intellectual property.
  • Information organization: Methods for structuring and categorizing information to facilitate efficient retrieval and management.
  • Information security policy and practice: Development and implementation of policies and procedures to protect information systems from threats and ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Network administration: Management and maintenance of network infrastructure, including setup, configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting of networks.
  • Object-oriented programming: Programming paradigm centered on objects, which contain data and code to manipulate that data, promoting modularity and reusability.
  • Project management: Techniques for planning, executing, and overseeing projects to achieve specific goals within constraints of time, budget, and resources.
  • Strategic IT management: Approaches for aligning IT strategy with business goals to drive organizational success and competitive advantage.
  • Virtualization and cloud computing: Technologies and practices for creating virtual environments and delivering computing services over the internet, enhancing flexibility and resource utilization.
  • Web app development: Techniques for designing, building, and deploying web-based applications, focusing on both front-end and back-end development.

How technical the MIS curriculum gets varies from school to school. Some programs (like the one at Stevens Institute of Technology) are offered by business schools and emphasize the business applications of technology. Others treat information systems as a technical discipline. Quora commenter Levi Heidrick studied at the University of Kansas‘ School of Engineering and had this to say about the program:

“At my university both degrees are offered through the school of engineering, so either way you get an engineering degree. Both degrees require courses in discrete mathematics, statistics, and physics. Plus data structures and algorithms as well as other various programming courses including database, operating system, and software engineering.”

There are also programs like Boston University‘s MS in Computer Information Systems that prepare students to work in the business side of tech but also let students take elective comp sci courses like Advanced Programming and Advanced Cryptography.


Master of Information Systems concentrations tend to be more application-focused and include:

  • Business intelligence: Techniques and tools for transforming raw data into meaningful insights to support decision-making processes within an organization.
  • Cyber security: Strategies and practices to protect information systems from cyber threats, including risk management, encryption, and incident response.
  • Data analytics or data science: Methods for analyzing and interpreting complex datasets to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that inform business strategies and decision-making.
  • Database management: Practices for overseeing the performance, integrity, and security of databases, ensuring efficient data storage, retrieval, and maintenance.
  • Enterprise systems management: Management of large-scale software applications that integrate core business processes, including ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems.
  • Health Informatics: Application of information technology to the healthcare sector, focusing on the management and analysis of health data to improve patient care and operational efficiency.
  • Information systems management: Oversight of an organization’s information systems, including planning, development, and implementation of IT strategies that align with business objectives.
  • Computer information systems (CIS) security: Specialized focus on protecting computer information systems from threats, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  • IT project management: Techniques for planning, executing, and managing IT projects to ensure they are completed on time, within budget, and meet specified requirements.
  • Strategic technology management: Approaches for leveraging technology to achieve strategic business goals, focusing on innovation, competitive advantage, and alignment with business strategy.
  • Web application development: Development of web-based applications, encompassing front-end user interfaces and back-end server-side processing to deliver dynamic and interactive web experiences.

How long does it take?

Colleges and universities approach master’s-level technology programs differently, and program length can vary considerably.

How long does it take to get a master’s degree in information systems?

Earning an MIS can take anywhere from one year for full-time students who can take time off work to three years or more for students in part-time information systems master’s programs. Two-year programs are standard, but some highly rated colleges and universities have accelerated one-year and 16-month MIS programs among the best in the US.

Top programs

Highly ranked information technology master’s programs and comp sci programs have regularly updated curricula, expert faculty, robust career support, and high post-graduation employment rates. The best programs also have relationships with companies in the technology field to facilitate real-world, hands-on experience before graduation and lead to career opportunities after.

Which schools have the top MIS programs?

Some of the best on-campus an online information systems master’s programs are offered by:

  • Arizona State University – Tempe
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Indiana University – Bloomington
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • New York University (NYU)
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Maryland – Global Campus
  • University of Minnesota – Twin Cities


The average graduate student leaves school carrying about $45,000 in student loan debt. If cost is one of your primary concerns, be aware that you may pay less for an MIS than for an MSCS.

How much does it cost to get a master’s in information systems?

The average cost of a MIS degree is about $30,000, though many online information systems master’s programs cost less. While $10,000 MSCS programs are relatively rare, there are a fair number of MIS programs at state schools that won’t cost much more than that if you qualify for resident tuition. On the other end of the spectrum, high-profile programs like the one at Carnegie Mellon cost upwards of $115,000.

Job outlook

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes growth predictions for computer and information technology professions as an umbrella category that includes not only computer scientists and programmers but also information research scientists and information systems managers. Employment in computing roles is projected to grow 11 percent over the next 10 years, but that doesn’t tell us much about how MSCS and MIS holders will fare.

What is the job outlook for information systems?

BLS data suggests that jobs for computer and information systems managers are also being created more quickly than is typical for all occupations. That doesn’t mean, however, that all the roles associated with this discipline are in demand. Employers are creating jobs for computer systems analysts relatively slowly while the outlook for information security analysts is booming.

Career paths and earning potential

Earning a master’s degree in either computer science or information systems can lead to six-figure paychecks because both provide you the qualifications to step into senior-level and management positions.

What do you do with an information systems degree?

The average salary for MIS holders is about $86,000, but salaries in information systems are comparable to computer science salaries when you get into management. These positions include:

  • Enterprise architecture manager ($170,000)
  • Information architecture director ($102,000)
  • Information systems director ($103,000)
  • Information systems manager ($146,000)
  • Vice president of information technology ($152,000)

MIS graduates also work in roles like:

  • Business analyst: Evaluates business processes, identifies areas for improvement, and develops solutions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness within an organization.
  • Business intelligence analyst: Analyzes data to provide actionable insights, helping organizations make informed business decisions and improve performance.
  • Business systems analyst: Bridges the gap between business needs and IT solutions, analyzing and designing systems to meet organizational goals and improve processes.
  • Information technology director: Oversees the IT department, managing resources, strategic planning, and implementation of technology initiatives to support business objectives.
  • IT consultant: Provides expert advice to organizations on how to use information technology to achieve their business goals, improve processes, and solve problems.
  • MIS director: Manages the Management Information Systems (MIS) department, ensuring the effective use of technology to support business operations and decision-making.
  • Network administrator: Manages and maintains an organization’s computer networks, ensuring their performance, security, and reliability.
  • Systems analyst: Analyzes and designs information systems solutions to help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively.
  • Systems developer: Designs, codes, tests, and maintains software applications, creating systems that meet user needs and business requirements.

Many roles in tech are open to both MSCS and MIS holders, including:

One of the highest-paying roles in tech—Chief Technology Officer—is also open to professionals with both degrees. At large corporations, experienced CTOs can earn seven figures after bonuses and other non-salary compensation.

Is a master’s in information systems worth it?

An information systems master’s is worthwhile, too. High-profile companies across industries like Ernst & Young, Amazon, IBM, Accenture, and GM employ MIS grads, and jobs in this discipline are abundant. In a Quora thread about careers in information systems, one commenter wrote, “My career has given me a lot of flexibility—you can work in a variety of different jobs, from programmer to analyst, to technical project manager, and beyond. It has good pay, and it’s always been easy for me to find jobs. Most jobs are pretty flexible and allow at least some work from home.”

The bottom line is that if your goals include earning top dollar in a tech career and you have your eye on senior-level or management positions, getting a master’s degree is a smart idea. Which one is up to you.

Computer science vs. information technology: what’s the difference?

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) programs are usually highly technical. They’re typically geared toward professionals with well-developed programming skills and professional experience in fields like application development (though there are some computer science master’s programs for non-CS grads).

Some colleges and universities treat information technology (IT) as part of computer science. Others treat it as part of business (much as many tech-focused analytics programs are administered by business schools). Don’t assume an information technology master’s program will dive deep into the tech underlying computer systems, operating networks, and databases—although it might. Whether a Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) degree is administered by the business school or the comp sci department can provide a clue about its focus.

We sum up the similarities and differences between the MSCS and MSIT below. However, you’ll still need to read program guides carefully to differentiate among specific MSCS and MSIT programs.


Computer science master’s programs and information technology-focused programs differ significantly in focus. Both can be highly technical, involve courses in programming languages, and offer specialization areas, but that’s generally where the similarities end. Computer science master’s degree programs are often advanced and geared toward students with a strong background in computer science. Courses don’t cover the fundamentals of programming, software engineering, and computer language theory because students are expected to arrive with a firm grasp of all three.

Meanwhile, information technology master’s programs are geared toward students preparing for careers in fields like IT project management, IT security, or information systems design and architecture. Classes in information technology master’s programs blend technical concepts with business and management fundamentals.

The typical master’s in information technology curriculum

The typical master’s in information technology curriculum takes a multidisciplinary approach to computers and their applications in a real-world context. Students learn about the role of information management in different fields and IT strategy in courses that cover topics like:

  • Business intelligence: Techniques and tools for analyzing business data and generating actionable insights to support decision-making processes.
  • Computer forensics: Methods and tools for investigating and analyzing digital evidence from computers and other digital devices in legal and criminal contexts.
  • Cyber security policy: Development and implementation of policies and procedures to protect information systems from cyber threats and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Data management: Practices for collecting, storing, managing, and maintaining data to ensure its accuracy, availability, and security.
  • Data modeling: Techniques for creating abstract representations of data to organize and structure it for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • Database design: Principles and practices for creating and organizing database structures to store data efficiently and securely.
  • Financial management: Study of managing an organization’s financial resources, including budgeting, forecasting, and investment strategies.
  • Information systems architecture: Design and structure of information systems, focusing on how components interact to meet organizational needs.
  • Machine learning: Development and application of algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions based on data.
  • Managing information technology: Strategies for overseeing and coordinating IT resources, projects, and personnel to align with business goals.
  • Programming: Writing, testing, and maintaining code to create software applications and systems.
  • Project management: Techniques for planning, executing, and managing projects to achieve specific goals within constraints of time, budget, and resources.
  • SQL query design: Writing and optimizing SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data stored in relational databases.
  • Systems analysis and design: Methods for analyzing business requirements and designing information systems solutions to meet those needs.
  • Technology management: Approaches for managing technological resources and innovation to drive business success and maintain competitive advantage.


Concentrations for IT specialists tend to focus on the practical applications of computer systems in various environments. MSIT students choose from among concentrations like:

  • Business analytics: Use of data analysis and statistical methods to understand business performance and support decision-making processes.
  • Data science: Application of scientific methods, algorithms, and systems to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data.
  • Database management: Administration and optimization of database systems to ensure efficient, secure, and reliable data storage and retrieval.
  • Healthcare informatics: Integration of information technology with healthcare to manage patient data, improve healthcare delivery, and enhance clinical decision-making.
  • Information policy and strategy: Development of policies and strategic plans to manage information resources, ensuring compliance with regulations and alignment with organizational goals.
  • Information security: Techniques and practices to protect information systems from threats, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  • Information systems engineering: Design and implementation of information systems to meet business requirements, focusing on systems integration and optimization.
  • Information technology management: Strategies for overseeing IT resources and projects, aligning technology initiatives with business objectives to achieve operational efficiency and innovation.
  • IT entrepreneurship: Development of skills and knowledge to start and manage technology-based businesses, focusing on innovation, business planning, and market analysis.
  • IT governance: Frameworks and processes to ensure that IT resources are used effectively, aligning IT strategy with business goals and managing risks.
  • Management information systems: Study of information systems used in business operations, focusing on their design, implementation, and management to improve organizational performance.
  • Network administration: Management and maintenance of network infrastructure, ensuring its performance, security, and reliability.
  • Network security: Protection of computer networks from unauthorized access, cyber threats, and vulnerabilities through the implementation of security measures and protocols.
  • Programming: Development of software applications by writing, testing, and maintaining code in various programming languages.
  • Project management: Planning, executing, and overseeing projects to achieve specific goals within constraints of time, budget, and resources.
  • Software analysis: Evaluation and assessment of software applications to ensure they meet user requirements and perform as expected, including testing and quality assurance.
  • System security: Comprehensive protection of information systems from security threats, encompassing hardware, software, and data through various security practices and technologies.

How long it takes to earn a master’s in information technology

Earning a graduate-level IT degree usually takes one to two years. If getting a graduate degree as quickly as possible is one of your priorities, you’re in luck. Accelerated IT programs are much more common than accelerated computer science programs. Be aware, however, that you may need to take a leave of absence from work to study full-time if you want to graduate in just 12 months (even in more flexible online master’s in information technology programs).

Top programs

Highly ranked information technology master’s programs and comp sci programs have regularly updated curricula, expert faculty, robust career support, and high post-graduation employment rates. The best programs also have relationships with companies in the technology field that make it easier for computer scientists and IT professionals to gain real-world, hands-on experience before graduation and lead to career opportunities after.

Which schools have the top information technology master’s programs?

The following schools are home to some of the best information technology master’s programs:

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Main Campus)
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • University of California – Berkeley
  • University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Wisconsin – Madison


Many graduate students finish school with substantial debt—about $45,000 for advanced degree holders, according to some surveys. You don’t have to spend that much to earn an MSCS or an MSIT, however.

How much does a master’s in information technology cost?

The MSIT is the less-expensive degree. Most programs cost between $13,000 and $54,000 in total tuition, though programs at high-profile colleges and universities can cost a lot more. Meanwhile, the most affordable master’s in information technology programs cost less than $8,000. You probably won’t get the same post-graduation support in a lower-budget program, but you will learn skills that can help you launch a career in tech.

Job outlook

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) groups computer and information technology professions in its growth estimates. Employment in computer and information research is projected to grow 11 percent over the next 10 years, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Information technology job outlook

Information technology jobs are often more stable than computer science careers because they support business operations and manufacturing processes directly. Most of the IT careers the BLS tracks are projected to grow more quickly than other jobs over the next decade, which means qualified IT professionals should be in demand for years to come.

Career paths and earning potential

Both the MSCS and MSIT can help you land six-figure jobs in tech. Both can help you overcome career plateaus and qualify for management positions. The work you do, however, will differ depending on which degree pathway you choose.

What jobs can I do with a master’s in information technology?

MSIT holders usually work in roles that involve:

  • Building, protecting, and evaluating computer networks
  • Ensuring that data is secure and accessible
  • Helping companies and organizations leverage technology effectively

Average salaries in information technology careers are close to $90,000. There are also six-figure IT salaries. The highest-paying roles include:

  • Chief Information Officer: Oversees the IT strategy and operations of an organization, aligning technology initiatives with business goals and driving innovation.
  • Chief Technology Officer: Focuses on the technological direction of an organization, leading the development and implementation of new technologies to enhance products and services.
  • Cloud Solutions Architect: Designs and manages cloud-based solutions, ensuring they meet organizational needs for scalability, security, and performance.
  • Data Modeler: Creates data models to represent the structure and relationships of data within a database, optimizing data management and retrieval processes.
  • Database Administrator or Manager: Manages database systems to ensure their performance, security, and reliability, handling tasks such as backup, recovery, and troubleshooting.
  • Information Architecture Analyst: Analyzes and designs the structure of information systems to ensure efficient organization, retrieval, and use of information.
  • Information Security Analyst: Protects an organization’s information systems from cyber threats by implementing security measures, monitoring for breaches, and responding to incidents.
  • Information Systems Manager: Oversees the implementation and maintenance of information systems, ensuring they meet the needs of the organization and support business operations.
  • Information Systems Security Manager: Manages the security of information systems, developing and enforcing policies and procedures to protect data and systems from threats.
  • Information Technology Manager: Leads the IT department, managing resources, projects, and personnel to support the organization’s technology needs and strategic goals.
  • IT Audit Manager: Conducts audits of an organization’s information systems and technology processes to ensure compliance with regulations and identify areas for improvement.
  • IT Management Consultant: Provides expert advice to organizations on how to improve their IT strategies, processes, and infrastructure to achieve business objectives.
  • IT Project Manager: Plans, executes, and oversees IT projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet specified requirements.
  • IT Risk Manager: Identifies and manages risks associated with the use of information technology, developing strategies to mitigate potential threats and ensure business continuity.
  • Network Architect: Designs and plans the layout of an organization’s network infrastructure, ensuring it meets performance, security, and scalability requirements.
  • Network Engineer: Implements and maintains network systems, handling tasks such as configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimization.
  • Senior Systems Analyst: Analyzes and designs information systems solutions, working with stakeholders to ensure systems meet business requirements and improve efficiency.

Career paths supported by degrees

Some career pathways are open to both MSCS holders and MSIT holders, but the computer science master’s is the more versatile academic pathway. Much of what you’ll learn in a broadly focused MSCS program can boost your hireability in IT, and the program you choose may even cover topics related to information technology. The online Master of Science in Computer Science curriculum at Stevens Institute of Technology, for example, includes core courses like Database Management Systems, Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing, and Computer Organization & Programming. Some programs, like the Master of Science in Computing and Information Science at Case Western Reserve University, split the difference.

Just be aware that most Master of Science in Information Technology programs don’t cover topics like advanced engineering and computational theory. Consequently, a computer science master’s graduate can usually step into roles like information technology architect or director of IT. Still, it’s much harder for MSIT graduates to transition into roles involving software development or hardware automation.

Master’s in computer science vs. master’s in information technology: which is for you?

Now that you have more information about computer science degrees vs. information technology degrees, it should be easier to choose the right one for you. You may still be wondering, however, whether you need a master’s degree at all. It’s true that merely having a graduate degree won’t guarantee success in tech. Plenty of software developers make big bucks without degrees, and there are probably master’s degree holders stuck working at the help desk. The bottom line is that if you want to make top dollar in technology jobs and/or advance into senior-level or management positions in computer science and IT, getting a master’s degree can’t hurt. As to which degree, let’s take one last look at the benefits.

Is a master’s in information technology worth it?

Again, the answer is yes. An information technology master’s is worth it, and not just because you’ll get more respect in business environments where advanced degrees are common. You’ll also earn more, be less susceptible to economic downturns, and have the bona fides to brand yourself as the information technology expert in your organization.

Master’s in computer science vs. master’s in information technology: which is for you?

Now that you have more information about computer science degrees vs. information technology degrees, it should be easier to choose the right one for you. You may still be wondering, however, whether you need a master’s degree at all. It’s true that merely having a graduate degree won’t guarantee success in tech. Plenty of software developers make big bucks without degrees, and there are probably master’s degree holders stuck working at the help desk. The bottom line is that if you want to make top dollar in technology jobs and/or advance into senior-level or management positions in computer science and IT, getting a master’s degree can’t hurt. As to which degree, let’s take one last look at the benefits.

Is a master’s in information technology worth it?

Again, the answer is yes. An information technology master’s is worth it, and not just because you’ll get more respect in business environments where advanced degrees are common. You’ll also earn more, be less susceptible to economic downturns, and have the bona fides to brand yourself as the information technology expert in your organization.

When it comes to which degree is the better choice, there’s no right answer. Ultimately, you should choose whichever will support your career goals and satisfy your curiosity.

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About the Editor

Tom Meltzer spent over 20 years writing and teaching for The Princeton Review, where he was lead author of the company's popular guide to colleges, before joining Noodle.

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Computer Science and I.T. Degree Programs You Should Consider


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