Business Administration

Getting In: ASU W.P. Carey School of Business

Getting In: ASU W.P. Carey School of Business
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Noodle Staff profile
Noodle Staff March 21, 2012

Want to get the inside scoop on the admissions process? Noodle interviewed Rudy Pino, Dean of Admissions at ASU W.P. Carey School of Business, Undergraduate Division to get his advice.

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We interviewed Rudy Pino, Dean of Admissions at ASU W.P. Carey School of Business, Undergraduate Division, to get tips on getting in and an inside look at the school.

Noodle Education: What’s one great insider tip for getting in to your college?

Rudy Pino: Be informed and knowledgeable about our program’s offerings. It’s important that students know why they’re interested in a degree in business or a career in business. We want students to know it’s okay to not know exactly what they want to do with business once they graduate; however we want students who are able to think through how they might apply business fundamentals to their interest and their passion. What’s great about our program is that first and second year students have a lot of opportunities to explore degrees and career options after they arrive on campus.

On our website, where students can learn about our 17 B.S and B.A. degree program offerings, we are very straightforward about our admissions requirements. In addition, we talk about the services that students can receive, such as our top-notch advising, our career services, and programming, as well asinformation about our cafeteria, residential facilities, our W.P. Carey Academy, and the over 30 clubs and organizations that they can be a part of.

NE: What would surprise our readers about the students at your school?

RP: The range and diversity in career interests of students in the W.P. Carey School of Business–from traditional careers in business like accounting, finance, and marketing all the way to careers in music, art, and even entrepreneurial activities. We’ve also seen an increase in the number of students who are concurrently enrolling in the B.A. and B.S. programs. We really think it’s important that students apply traditional business concepts to non-traditional business industries. They benefit from hitting the ground running and being able to be more effective and efficient in their career endeavors.

An example of this is one of our recent graduates. He’s a member of our school of business and a very honored student. He is a Carey Academy student and is also a lead singer for an up-and-coming rock band that recently signed a contract with a major record label and has gone on a concert tour. As a marketing major, he felt it was important to complete his undergrad degree in business to be able to understand contracts and negotiations and maintain the band’s financial statements. That combined provides more of a professional image for them to record labels who might not take them as seriously as a group that did not have that. I would say our students are also well-balanced: strong academically but also very willing to cut loose and have fun and be creative. Entrepreneurship and innovation are big things that are emphasized at this school and at Arizona State University. We really want to foster creating new ideas and finding ways to be creative with business and technology, and as a school we encourage this through programs like our Spirit of Entreprenership Award. Our school even offers certificate programs specifically in entrepreneurship: Knowledge Entrepreneurship, and Innovation and Small Business Entrepreneurship.

NE: If I were coming to visit your campus, what’s one thing I should be sure to see or do?

RP: ASU and W.P. Carey are very fortunate to be located in the Phoenix metropolitan area where the average degree annually is in the mid-70s. We have a fantastic campus tour available. Students and parents can learn about the admissions and financial aid process, take a walking tour of campus and meet with their academic program admission. There are many great building on the ASU campus such as the Gammage Auditorium which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; it resembles a big wedding cake. We also have our Sun Devils Stadium that hosts our PAC 12 Football team, and an area where students can walk called Palm Walk. It’s called that because there are a number of palm trees that line that area; it crosses the University Bridge and provides a great view of the city of Tempe and the campus. Students can also check out our newly renovated Memorial Union where they can grab a bite to eat.

ASU also has campuses across the Phoenix Metropolitan Area which includes ASU Polytechnic campus located in Mesa, AZ, the Downtown Campus in Phoenix, or the ASU West Campus in Phoenix. The W.P. Carey School provides programs at all of these locations.

NE: What should students NOT do when applying to your ASU?

RP: Apply late in the application process. We encourage applicants to submit an application in early fall to maximize their opportunity for scholarship consideration. In addition, the Business School has early outreach programs for newly admitted students; these include learning about housing, orientation, presentations from our faculty, and opportunities to meet the staff.

NE: I just got wait listed at your school: any advice?

RP: I would contact your admissions representative so you can understand where your application may have been deficient. If it’s a test score, you may consider retaking the exam. If it’s a GPA, you can assess what you can do in your senior year to improve their addition, ASU and W.P. Carey encourage students to get to know their admissions advisor sand to meet with them in person. Join our Facebook community or even schedule a campus visit. The more contact you have with our staff, the better. We believe in making the application process as personal as possible and want students to become part of ASU, the New American University.

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About the Editor

Tom Meltzer spent over 20 years writing and teaching for The Princeton Review, where he was lead author of the company's popular guide to colleges, before joining Noodle.

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