Master's in Elementary Education Salary: How Much More Will You Make?
Getting an MAT or an MEd in Elementary Ed can [...]
So you want to dedicate your life to science education by becoming a science teacher? Or, maybe you just want to make baking soda explosions. Either way, it’s a noble calling.
In this article, we’ll cover:
If you love science and want to pass that on to a new generation, this could be your dream job. Be aware, however, that the burnout rate among teachers is high, and that teaching can be a thankless job. Some students—many students in some classes—will never share your love of science. To them, you will represent drudgery, no matter who effectively or entertainingly you present the material.
The job has several other pros and cons.
University and Program Name | Learn More |
New York University:
Master of Arts in Teaching
Merrimack College:
Master of Education in Teacher Education
As a science teacher, you’ll generally work in a public, private, or charter secondary school. Science teachers earn certification in the following subspecialties:
Your job duties will vary based on your specialty, but may include:
Your education will prepare you to complete all of these tasks; on-the-job experience helps as well. Completing a master’s degree (some teachers choose an online master’s) once you begin working can help hone these skills.
If you follow the traditional science education route into the teaching profession, it will take you four years to earn your bachelor’s degree. You can earn your master’s degree (sometimes even at the same time) but you don’t need one to start your career as a teacher or to obtain your certification. Many prospective teachers major in education, but it’s not mandatory.
When you begin college, look into the teaching license requirements for your state so you can meet those requirements on time. Keep in mind that private school teachers might have to meet different (typically less stringent) requirements than public school teachers. Some schools require students to complete an entry-level field experience as part of their education major. These may include:
All teachers (including substitute teachers) must meet teacher certification requirements and pass exams. Typically, elementary school teachers are certified in a broad spectrum of subjects, while middle-school and high-school science teachers their areas of expertise. Requirements vary by state, but typically include:
Your teacher preparation program will help you meet these requirements, but it’s up to you to make sure you do everything on time to get your teaching license.
Science teachers must earn certification in their chosen subspeciality (e.g., biology, chemistry). You can earn multiple certificates if you are interested in teaching multiple areas or if you simply want to broaden your job search.
Be careful about earning multiple certifications, though. Only get certified in an area if you really want to teach that field. If you’re hired in a district as a biology teacher but you also have your chemistry certification (even though you hate chemistry), you could be placed as a chemistry teacher at any time.
Many states categorize certifications by age group, so make sure you get certified for the age group you want to teach. Many states also require teachers to earn and hold an advanced certificate after they have been teaching for a few years.
To keep your teaching certificate, you’ll need to continue your education. That’s why most teachers decide to earn their master’s degree: a master’s satisfies this requirement and typically results in a pay increase.
An alternate route to teaching is through Teach For America, an organization that trains people to become teachers, helps them get emergency certified if necessary, and places them in under-resourced public schools.
Your state department of education is a terrific resource to help guide your path to teaching science. Always refer to them when you have questions about requirements.
Check out the websites of the following organizations:
Besides online resources, they also offer:
The best financial resource for aspiring teachers is the U.S. Department of Education, which offers different types of aid for college students. Many schools of education offers scholarships to their students as well, so inquire about the application process for those at your college.
Once you become a teacher, the pay isn’t glamorous (especially in impoverished or rural areas), so get all the help you can with your tuition while you’re in school. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average high school teacher earned $60,320 in 2018. According to Payscale.com, the average science teacher salary is $45,364.
If you’re looking for a job with flashy promotions and opportunities for career growth, science teacher may not be the right fit. Your first teaching experience will be as a student-teacher—near the end of your bachelor’s degree program—and then you’ll (hopefully!) get hired as a teacher. After a few years, you’ll earn tenure. For many middle and high school teachers, this is where the advancement stops. You can continue your professional development in science education to hone your craft, but it won’t lead to a promotion in most school districts.
If you work hard, you might eventually become the head of the science department at your school. Some teachers do go on to become principals or other administrators, but this requires additional:
Teachers are the lifeblood of our society. They provide an educational foundation for the next generation, which is born from their skulls like Athena from Zeus, except maybe a little less painfully. As a science teacher, you’ll be shaping the future by training the world’s next surgeons, engineers, and programmers. That’s pretty gnarly.
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Categorized as: Math Science Education, Teaching, Education & Teaching